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Finding a good dog trainer: Values, experience and the story that sets Poppets Dog Training apart.

Updated: Jun 7

Dog training with a good pedigree.

Poppets Dog Training Logo, Nuneaton, Warwickshire
Poppets Dog Training

Finding a good dog trainer is a big decision. Your peace of mind is our priority, so here's a chance to discover the story and values of poppets dog training. Read on...


What does your dog mean to you?

It’s hard to answer isn’t it! Even saying something like ‘they mean everything,’ doesn’t really describe the unique and personal role dogs play in our lives.

Companion. Friend. Entertainer. Sounding board. Running mate. Walking mate…

Dogs mark seasons of life, they love unconditionally, they see it all without passing judgement. 'Part of the family' gets somewhere close. But even now, I don’t feel I’ve done them full justice.

Though you see I get it. Trusting your pet to someone is huge. Finding a good dog trainer is crucial. So, I wanted to introduce myself as owner of Poppets Dog Training, share what we do, what we’re about and show you why so many owners trust us.

Take a walk with me…


Rachel the dog trainer: Early learning

I always knew I’d work with animals and was dabbling in dog training from an early age. As a young girl, my family were puppy walkers for Guide Dogs for the Blind. I learned nurturing the puppies with love and routine was key to their development. A seed had been sown, along with the certainty that connection between dogs and their owners was relational, not transactional.

And… I had a talent for it! This photo shows me competing in a young handler’s class at the Guide Dog open day. A winner on the day and a future dog training business owner in her element.

Image of Rachel Burn, Owner of Poppets Dog Training, working with dogs from a young age.
Working with dogs has been a lifelong vocation.


trusting Poppets Dog Training: Experience and qualifications

Rachel Burn, RVN MAPDT MABTC. Sounds good, doesn’t it?

There's a few letters after my name these days and I questioned whether to leave them in. I decided to because they’re central to the quality service I provide at Poppets Dog Training and owners trust me because of my background.

After leaving school, I completed agricultural college and trained to be a Veterinary Nurse. Having qualified in 2000 and registering at the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons, I’ve been proud to call myself a Registered Veterinary Nurse (RVN) ever since.

This was an obvious choice for me. I love animals and my working life has always been fulfilling and meaningful as a result. It’s a challenging but very rewarding career.

Image of Rachel Burn, owner of Poppets Dog Training, working as a veterinary nurse.
Rachel, Owner of Poppets Dog Training and a Registered Veterinary Nurse


Mentors on the journey: Learning and qualifications

Aren’t mentors and guides incredibly valuable? I met my training mentor Marie Miller through nursing and started my dog training journey in earnest a number of years ago.

Whilst working with Marie, I was assessed to become a member of the Association of Pet Dog Trainers (APDT) in 2004, before registering with the Animal Behaviour and Training Council (ABTC).

Poppets Dog Training is proud to place learning and professional development at the heart of what we do. We're convinced it's what makes a good dog trainer.

finding a good trainer: Sharing skills and values

Does a trainer share your values? That's the question you need to ask yourself.

Whether you work with Poppets or another provider, you need to be confident in the values of the training provider.

Dog training is an unregulated profession, which makes my affiliation with the APDT and ABTC all the more important. The guidance provided by these organisations shapes my practice. It’s best practice!

Please do your homework. Unfortunately, there are many trainers (including locally) using outdated techniques, based around force and fear. Choke chains, electric collars and physical force aim to get a dog to conform, without considering the emotional impact this can have on the dog.

I’m a force free trainer, basing my practice on up-to-date scientific research on how to train dogs effectively. This is what sets Poppets Dog Training apart – care and expertise creates the perfect environment for dogs to thrive.

Happy trainer, happy owner, happy dog...


Look out for my next post coming soon. We’ll explore how Poppets Dog Training grew and consider more ‘must haves’ when finding a dog trainer.


For more information on best practice for dog trainers, you can visit:


Have questions about Poppets Dog Training or need a bit of advice? Get in touch - I’d love to meet you and your four-legged friend.


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