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Poppet's Training Services

Providing everything you need for your pooch

Poppet's dog training helps dog owners get to the stage where they have a well rounded family pet that fits in with their lifestyle.


My mantra is 'happy dog, happy home' - I don't believe your dog needs to win an obedience trophy to achieve this! 


Dogs need rules but it doesn't matter what they are, if you want to have your dog sleep in your bed, that's fine, as long as the dog moves to let you in. If you're having trouble with that, this is where I can help...

Pooch Problem Solving

Designed for dogs from four months old, these one hour individual training sessions help you and your dog with common problems like pulling on the lead, jumping up, barking etc.


These can be booked as a standalone session, but are most effective (and cost efficient) in blocks of 6, 8, or 10 week sessions.

from £45.00 per hour

Puppy Power Hour

A 1:1 house visit for your brand new puppy!


These one hour sessions help with with the immediate issues you'll face with a puppy.


We cover toilet training, puppy chewing and any other training needs so you can get started before they are old enough to attend classes.

from £45.00 per hour

School of Pups

Puppy classes taken in small groups of five.


These classes are a fixed six week training course delivered in a group setting.


The addition of other dogs means your pup will also learn how to interact with others, as well as the basic skills covered in a 1:1.*

from £75.00 per 6 week course

*Poppets also offer pet owners walk and train sessions. These can be used for people who are on a training course to speed things up Rather than a stand alone dog walking service, if you need help with issues like pulling on the lead you can see me for 121 sessions so I can teach you what to do. If you'd like to, I can take your dog out on my own, perhaps if you are are working and are struggling with time, to help bring the training along.

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